With the intention to hinder important journalism for the benefit of the general audience chief editor Stevan Dojcinovic of KRIK is the target for a massive attack to discredit him and his news organisation.
It must always be an obligation for the government in Serbia to respect the freedom to conduct independent journalism and right now doing exactly that by fully protecting Chief Editor Stevan Dojčinović, his staff and their journalism.
The Media Centre at Stockholm School of economics in Riga (SSE Riga) regularly invites journalists to seminars promoting high quality investigative reporting focusing on corruption and organized crime.
Chief editor Stevan Dojcinovic of KRIK is a highly respected and regular lecturer at the Media Centre.
This present smear campaign now can be used by him and others as part of the education – “this is how those who are investigated will try to discredit journalists who investigate.”
This dirty campaign against Mr Dojcinovic we believe will be a useful part of the education.
Hans Manson
Programme Director at The Media Centre
Anders Alexanderson
Vice President Public Affairs at SSE Riga